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Autumn 2


Our new Geography topic is all about Britain's National Parks. We explored the geography of the 15 different National Parks in Britain by using maps and images. We even learned a bit about the Peak District ahead of our Edale visit next week!

New Road Opening

Some of our Year 6 children visited the opening of the new road near school with Mrs Uttley and Mrs Jacques.

As part of our DT learning this half term, we were very excited to be visited by Carrie-Ann from Cook Stars who showed us all how to make delicious chicken and vegetable pies. The children's behaviour in church was fantastic during this session and they learned lots of cooking skills. We discussed different ingredients, what food groups they were from and how they could adapt the pie recipe for different ingredients if they wanted to make it at home. The children had a fantastic time and enjoyed eating their pies once they were cooked!


Joshua gave his pie a 5 star review! "This is the best pie I have ever tasted!"
