Our Attendance this Week...
(up 2.3% from the week before half term!)
This Week's Star of the Week
🌟 Rylie 🌟
This Week's SKATs winner
👏🏼 Hasrat - I am aiming high 👏🏼
Tea at 3 Guest
🍵 Syd 🍵
Art & Design
This half term we will be having weekly art & design lessons. Our unit of work is Drawing: Making your mark. This unit will help us to understand and use different line types and mark-making techniques in drawing.
This week we have been exploring line. We experimented drawing different types of lines and then we looked at some artwork from an artist called Bridget Riley. She uses lots of lines to create her art.
We were inspired by Bridget Riley and created our own pieces of art using different types of lines using string. We then used chalk to create an image of lines just like Bridget Riley.
Stories with Repetitive Patterns
This week Zog appeared in our classroom and we have been learning how to ask questions through hot seating. The children enjoyed getting into character by asking and answering questions while on the hot seat.
We also created a character circle by writing down things we know about Zog so far.