Our Attendance this Week...
88.9 %
(down 4% from last week)
This Week's Star of the Week
🌟 Brody 🌟
This Week's SKATs winner
👏🏼 Joseph - We are respectful 👏🏼
Tea at 3 Guest
🍵 Muhammad-Zayn 🍵
This week in RE, the children had a sensory story all about The Birth of Jesus.
Year 1 enjoyed acting out the story and thinking about the story using their senses.
This week in English, we have been looking at the features of non-fiction texts.
The children learnt about these features and had a go at finding them in various non-fiction texts.
In Gymnastics this week we looked at developing stability and control when performing balances.
Year 1 moved around the different stations with their treasure (beanbag) and had to balance the treasure in different ways at each station.