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Autumn 2 Week 7 (Monday 9th December - Friday 13th December)

Our Attendance this Week...

85.7 %

(down 3.2% from last week)


This Week's Star of the Week

🌟 Joseph 🌟


This Week's SKATs winner

👏🏼 Syd- I am aware of how I am feeling  👏🏼


Maths - Understand 11, 12 and 13

This week we have been looking at place value to 20.

On Wednesday we focused on numbers 11, 12 and 13. We made the numbers on Rekenreks and looked at different pictorial representations of the numbers.

Creative Writing

Year 1 were very excited to get their creative writing books out on Friday. The theme for our writing this half term was 'gifts'.
