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St James' Church


At St James' School, we are incredibly lucky to have strong links with our church, St James' Church Lower Darwen. We are able to join together in church weekly, to praise God and to listen to the teachings of the bible by the wonderful church leaders. In addition to this, we often enjoy sharing our learning with members of church and they love to be involved by sharing their thoughts, knowledge and experiences. We also are fortunate enough to be able to use church for our special events like carol concerts and worship assemblies. 


What do the children and staff think?


"Going to church makes me feel like God is there when I need him." - Lottie Y4


"It's God's house and it's very nice and neat." - Mason Y4


"It's a really lovely way to start our week all together in church." - Mrs Hartley


"It's good to go to church because it's good to worship God."- Kyton Y3


"It's good for us to go to church because it's good to pray." - Mason Y3


"It's really good to learn about Jesus." - Eva-Jenny Y3


"It's nice because the stained glass window represents the cross that Jesus died on." - Alfie Y6


"I like it because we do singing when we go." - Allie-James


"I think it sets good values and morals. It gives us hope." - Miss Harry


"I feel different when I'm in church and I feel happy." - Ruby Y6


"I'm not a Christian but I have been to the Friday Special at church for food and fun." - Coby Y6


St James' Church Lower Darwen Facebook Page


Yesterday, Miss Scholfield and Mrs. Tindall attended the Sunday service at St. James’ Church. Usually they attend the Sunday service at their own churches but yesterday Bishop Philip of Blackburn led the service so they wanted to join in. It was a lovely service and very thought provoking. It was also nice to try a service at a different church. Maybe you could join us on a Sunday to see what it is like?

Bishop Philip talked about prayer and how and when we can do this. It fits in with the work in school that we are doing on the Year of Prayer.

A well done to two of our Worship Warriors (Lottie & Elliot) who represented school and shared a prayer that they had written as a group.

Thank you for a lovely morning.

