Week 1
We have had a superb week in Year 3 this week and we have loved being in the juniors. We have jumped straight back in to our school routines and we have loved learning lots of new things!
Star of the Week
This week our star of the week is Ebony. She has come back to school so ready for the juniors and has given every lesson 110% effort. Her work has been beautifully presented and she has listened so carefully to every instruction. Well done Ebony!
During our first week of English, we have been working on our pupil voice group manifestos. We have planned, written and performed them to our classmates in the hopes that we get voted to be our class representative. Voting day will be next week. We are very excited to see who is chosen. We also linked this to our British Value - democracy.
We then moved on to our new key text - Stone Age Boy which links nicely to our history learning about the Stone Age. We used clues to predict what the text may be about.
We have loved taking parts in lots of different worship activities this week. On Tuesday we talked about how everyone is unique and we used a hand template to represent ourselves and drew our favourite things. We have now displayed these on our classroom door.
We were so excited to start our MFL learning in Y3. We did our first ever French lesson on Thursday. We had lots of fun using the finger puppets to practice saying basic French greetings. We did a lot of partner work and we practiced our pronunciation.