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Week 1

We've had a busy week back at school, following the Easter break and we have worked hard on lots of different areas of our learning. In English, we have started to look at the story of Zog by Julia Donaldson to help to support us in our unit of stories with fantasy settings and we've looked at a text called The Zoo Vet in our guided reading sessions. In our Maths learning, we have been working on our number knowledge and helping to consolidate many different representations of numbers to 50, using lots of practical resources to support our understanding.


In Art this week we have been mark-making, looking at how different drawing materials create varying texture. We used wavy lines, straight lines, spirals and zigzag lines. 


In ICT we have been learning to be computer programmers. We learnt that a computer needs 'algorithms' instructions to enable it to work properly. We used a 'coding' program to instruct a fish how to move by inputting the correct 'algorithm'.


We were able to take advantage of the lovely weather to practise and develop our ball skills. We worked on throwing and catching with and without a bounce before progressing to position changing. We developed our skills ready for learning to play team games, we used the skills to play an old fashioned game of 'piggy in the middle'.
