Our Attendance this Week...
91.1 %
(up 5% from the week before Christmas)
This Week's Star of the Week
🌟 Ellie 🌟
This Week's SKATs winner
👏🏼 Aadvik - I am aiming high 👏🏼
This week in English we have been learning about traditional rhymes. On Monday we learnt the rhyme and actions for 'Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear'. The children were then paired with a Reception child and they taught them the rhyme and actions. It was lovely to see the enjoyment that the children got from this. I think we have some budding teachers amongst us! 🤣
In RE this half term we are talking about Creation. This week the children talked about what the word creation means and then they made any creation they wanted using the Lego. Afterwards they talked about their 'creation' to the rest of the class.
This week we started our 'Maze Explorers' unit. The children really enjoyed moving things around on the laptop using '2Go!' They had to complete the challenges using the direction keys.