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Week 1 (w/c Tuesday 4th January 2022)


In RE this half term we will be focusing on stories that Jesus heard and told. To start us off this week, Mrs Blackburn read the story 'Daniel in the Lion's Den'. 


This week we have been practising different movements in gymnastics including stretching and rolling.


For the next three weeks in maths our topic will be 'Alive in 5'.


This week we have focused on the composition of 5 and comparing numbers to 5.


We sang the song '5 currant buns' to understand the concept of one less. 


This week we got some instruments out and focused on the rhythm of our song. We played our instruments LOUDLY and quietly!

Paddington Bear

Over the Christmas holidays, Anna visited London with her family and brought us back a Paddington Bear book to keep in class.

Check out Eliza's painting of Paddington Bear, I'm sure you will agree it's amazing!
