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Week 3

What we've been up to this week...


What a lovely week in Year 3 this week. I feel like we've laughed so much this week! (We have been very productive too!) 


We have been very busy scientists this week. First we discussed what plants need to grow: air, water, light, room to grow and nutrients from soil. In their Kagan groups, the children set up an investigation to test if a plant can survive without one of the five things. They kept the rest of the variables the same and changed one thing. They then left their pot with cress seeds on the windowsill (or cupboard in the dark!) and checked them every day. When they checked and watered them (except the no water groups!), the children filled in an observation record with detailed notes and drawings. They will conclude their findings next week. Our other learning in science focussed on the life cycle of a plant. The children acted this out with cones (stigma), bean bags (pollen from the anther), balls (seeds) and brightly coloured bibs (petals). The children loved seeing this explained practically and chaos ensued when some of the seeds (a little soft ball) flew the air in the wind and hit someone on the head (sorry Harrison!). They must have heard us giggling from Year 6! 


In computing the children, didn't use their own laptops this week. Instead, they worked in groups to think of various options and solutions to each stage of the simulation. The simulation was of a little girl and her mum shopping and the front door blew shut, locking the girl in and mum out. 


In PE, we enjoyed a lesson outside as the weather was dry! The children developed their one armed underarm throws but this time they aimed at a target. At the end of the lesson they competed against a partner scoring points. Some children were very competitive and I heard some "Well watch this then!"s and "Get a load of this!"s. It's great to see some healthy competition. 


In maths the children finished their work on statistics. On Tuesday's outdoor lesson, the children had to use the statements which were positioned around the playground to fill in data on a table. The children worked in groups and planned their strategy first. Some chose to move around together and some chose to split up and regroup to share their findings. Mrs Hudson and Mrs Redding's group continued their work with shapes, drawing 2D shapes on the floor with chalk and describing their properties using the correct terminology. 


In English, the children continued their biography work, finalising their shared research and plan then moving on to the start of their shared write on Roald Dahl. We will finish this next week and start our independent write.


In Music the children practised singing a new songs in parts - The Dragon Song. 


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss S x

Outdoor Maths - Finding Statements to Input Data on a Table

Five Times Table and Addition

Measuring how far we can run in 3 seconds - m and cm


English - Organising our Research into Categories

Computing - Completing Simulation Challenge - Locked Out

Science - Setting Up Investigation - What Does A Plant Need To Grow
