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Week 4 (w/c 9.5.22)

This week in PE we have continued our 'working with others' unit.

The children worked in pairs to play 'twin movers'. One person from each pair was asked to be the leader and make shapes and performs actions whilst staying on the spot. The partner had to copy their actions as quickly and closely as possible.


The children then swapped so everyone got a turn at being leaders.


In Science this half term we are thinking about the question 'How does a caterpillar grow'.

We have been lucky to have our very own caterpillars in class and we have observed them growing every day!

In science we are learning to answer the question 'How does a caterpillar grow'.

This week we have seen our caterpillars grow more as they get ready to enter the next phase as they get ready to change into butterflies.

The children have loved having them in class and come in excited to see how they are changing. We have learnt that they shed their skin several times and grow new skin as they get bigger. This is because their skin gets too tight for their body. 

On Thursday, we actually saw one of the caterpillars wriggling out of his skin. It was so exciting to watch.

Race to 20 Game

This week, we continued our learning of numbers to 20 and the children enjoyed playing some games that helped to enhance their number sense.

Race to 20 was a favourite this week. The children played with a partner and took turns to roll the die and try and get to 20 first. Once they got closer to 20, they had to finish on number 20, so if they were on 17, they could only win by rolling a 3. If they rolled a higher number they missed their turn and their partner had a go.
