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Week 5

The children have worked extremely hard this week and we've still found time to enjoy the sunshine!

The children have have created some imaginative inventions this week and written an explanation text about how they work.  We definitely have some creative minds in Year2!  

We have started our DT topic on mechanisms and the children have enjoyed exploring linkages and pivots and have designed their own mechanical monsters., which they will be making next week.

We have been looking at the Easter symbols in RE and explored why bread and wine are important symbols at Easter time, focussing on the story of the Last Supper.


Well done to Jacob who won the Reading Buddy competition.  All the children who entered the competition made amazing reading buddies from recyclable materials and Mrs Jacques had a difficult job in choosing just one winner.  Jacob's entry has been submitted to Lancashire Libraries to represent St James' and the winner will be announced in April.  Good luck Jacob!
