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Week 5


We took our Science learning outside today. We focused on learning subject-specific vocabulary for our new light unit. We played quiz quiz trade and reflected on our prior learning about light from Year 3. 

Science - how does light travel?

We also went outside to explore how light travels to enable us to see objects. We discussed how light travels in straight lines and reflects from objects into our eyes so we can see things. The children worked in groups to create diagrams to show this on the playground.

PE - cricket

This week, we focused on batting with accuracy and using tactics to develop game play in cricket. The children did a fantastic job and all showed excellent sporting qualities and skills. 

English - shared write

This week, we have been doing lots of writing! Using the plots and characters from Holes, we are writing our own version of the story focusing on Zero as the main character instead of Stanley. We are also focusing on using flashbacks to create interest. Check out our amazing writing! 
