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Week Two

This week was greeted with some apprehension by the children.


It's Assessment Week.


All of the children worked so hard and put an enormous amount of effort into completing their tests.


We could not be prouder of the perseverance and resilience shown by them all.



Our Star of the Week, this week was...




Our SKAT's winner, this week was




The children worked really hard this week to complete the shared write and the independent write about Folk Tales.


Well done to you all.





This week, sees the class finishing off the topic of time. Everyone seemed to grasp the concept of the 24 hour clock. 


The children started their next topic of Position and direction. The class started in class, but soon moved outside to practice the direction instructions from Mr Walmsley. All the children really loved having the opportunity to be outside and learning.



Mr Walmsley was out this week, so Mrs Hudson taught the Art lesson. 

The children were asked to answer questions and discuss a piece of Art called Tables for Ladies by Edward Hopper. It was painted in 1930.


The children were asked to look at the picture and answer questions as a group.


Each group of 4 children were then asked to perform their freeze frame interpretation of the picture themselves.  

Tables for Ladies

Edward Hopper 1930
