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Week 2 (Monday 24th April - Friday 28th April)

In PE this week we created movements to the theme of 'At the Fireworks Display'.


The children used moves to represent exploding fireworks and sparklers in their dance.

Taking Away with pebbles

After Monday's maths lesson, some of the children took their learning outside and played a game of 'take away with pebbles'.

They played with a partner and each time they could choose whether they wanted to take away 1, 2 or 3 pebbles. The player that avoids taking away the last pebble wins!

Baby Ezra

The children were very excited to see Ezra again this week, he's now ten months old and had a lot to shout about! Arnie said he was very cute! He has changed a lot since we last saw him and he is standing on his legs and taking steps when holding his Mummy's fingers!

Later on in the afternoon, we also saw Freddie (Miss Scholfield's baby) but we forgot to get pictures.
