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Week 5

Geography Fieldwork River Study



We have started to plan our independent write, which will be set in the snow and ice of the Canadian wilderness. We discussed our ideas with our partner, thinking about how we can change elements of the original story extract that we have written.



We have continued our learning about lifecycles by looking at the lifecycle of birds. We began the lesson by looking at the structure of an unfertilised hen's egg.



In PE, we have been learning different skills to allow us to take part in athletics events. At the start of our lesson, we recapped our work on the pace needed to allow us to run for a longer distance. We then practised throwing in a seated, crouching and standing position to see which is the most effective. Our main learning this week was to learn how to use a shotput. We perfected our skills using beanbags, working as a team to earn the most points.
