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Week Five

What another great week we have had in Year 4.

We have been learning so much.


Well done to everyone for all of their hard work, working on their times tables. Keep with it, the practising is paying off and you can see the results for yourselves.


With times tables in mind, Year 4 won the TTRS battle this week.


Our Star of the Week this week was ...


Our SkAt's winner this week was ...


It has been a busy week in school this week, with the Year 6 students all sitting their SAT's tests. The school has had to be eerily quiet. Our playtimes have been changed. All of the children have coped so well and our class have been fantastic at the changes in the lessons.


Year 4 have had some great learning this week.






This week has been about decimalisation and money. Everyone has been working super hard.




On Tuesday, the class has been learning the game of Tennis. Whilst, some of the class went swimming.


We have been lucky enough to get outside in the beautiful weather and have some adapted cricket games, which all of the children enjoyed. 




The children were split into groups of 3. Last week they designed a pavilion. This week was construction week.  Each group were given 50 paper straws, and a length of masking tape. The groups then had to work from their plans to construct their pavilion as close as possible to their plan. The groups were amazing and worked so well together.


Well done everyone.



This week has brought on another new topic. We are producing information booklets about Mousehole, and have had to do lots of research to find out interesting facts about the area.


We have also been learning about prefixes and suffixes and working together to see how many root words we could amend with either a prefix or a suffix.
