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Year 6


Year 6 2022-2023


 Welcome to Year 6



Miss Smith is the class teacher and Mrs Robinson is the teaching assistant.



Homework, Reading and Times Table Rock Stars



Homework booklets will be given out at the start of each half term. Children have one week to complete their spellings and maths homework and should bring their booklet into school on or before the following Monday.

Raffle tickets will be given out for each completed piece of homework. If your child still has their booklet at the end of the half term they will receive five bonus raffle tickets so please take care of it!




“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”


We read with children on a 1:1 basis in class and we also have daily Guided Reading sessions.  To support this please could you read with your child for 10 minutes per day and then date and sign their reading record.  To promote home reading and encourage a love of reading we will give out raffle tickets for each time a child reads at home.


Times Table Rock Stars

Please encourage your child to practice their times tables as often as you can. If possible please encourage them to play on TT Rockstars at home as this is a fun way for them to learn!






We will have P.E on Monday and Wednesday each week with Miss Smith and Mrs Wilton.


Children should come to school in suitable sportswear on these day and wear trainers. P.E will be a mixture of indoor and outdoor lessons (weather dependent). If children forget their kit they will be able to use our spare kits in school. 


Earrings will need to be removed or covered with tape for the lesson.

Contact Us


We are looking forward to working closely with you closely this year to make sure your child has a wonderful time in Y6.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything with us please catch us on the door at the beginning or end of the day.  You can also contact us via the Year 6 email address ( or ring the office to arrange for a convenient time for a telephone conversation. Please be aware that the class emails are not checked everyday so if it is an urgent matter please contact the school office team who will be happy to help.


