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Week 3

Week 3

Whoop Whoop! We received class of the week this week for attendance and punctuality! We enjoyed a treat of Jammie dodgers and chocolate tea cakes....mmmmmmmm.


In English the children have done an amazing job writing their own character descriptions for the giant. Let's hope the police are successful in finding the missing giant!

In Math's the children have been learning about mass and have been weighing items using grams and kilograms.

The children had fun building their own Tabernacle in RE.  They sat and prayed in their Tabernacle and were very respectful.

Beautiful music was made with the glockenspiel's this week.  The children played their instrument to a beat and accompanied the 'Friendship song' using four repeating notes.  It sounded lovely! 

In computing we have continued to look at art using the paint tools on Purple Mash.  This week we focused on the artist Piet Mondrian who created art using lines.
