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Week 5


Our topic for English has changed to poetry, this week we were looking at performing poetry. We looked at a poem by Kenn Nesbitt called 'My Misbehaving Robot'.

In groups we looked at a different verse. Did you know a verse in a poem is called a 'Stanza'? Within our group we had to come up with actions to fit the stanza we were given. After some pratice time we came together as a class to perform the poem.


In Maths we have begun to look at time. First we looked at the days of the week; months of the year; today; tomorrow and yesterday. We used this knowledge to understand the order of days and months, as well as what day was yesterday or tomorrow in relation to what today was.

We then moved on to understanding the features of an analogue clock. We used this knowledge to learn to tell the time to the hour and understanding one hour before and after a given time.


We have been looking at the history of our local area, to support our learning our D.T topic is to create a church. We have been practising a variety of skills to ensure our construction will be sturdy. We used our art skills in printing to create some brickwork to use as finishing touches to our designs.

We then began the task in our teams to build our structures.
