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Week 6

History & Oracy 


Mental Health Week 

Mental Health Week & Internet Safety Day 


This week we are looking at ways to look after and improve our own mental health. We have had a visitor in class who has shared information on Hate Crimes.


Mrs Jacques has been in to teach us about to use the internet safely. 


We have also had a lesson on the NSPCC and how to keep safe.


This week has been very important for our own wellbeing and safety. 



Mental Health Week

In our outdoor learning session we have been exploring how to create noun phrases. We used the environment around us as our inspiration. We then had to label the parts of the sentences. We identified the determiner, the noun, the adjective and we even looked at adding in a prepositional phrase. 

Worship - can you ask your child why Mrs Tindall didn't share her biscuits fairly? What Bible story have we been discussing?
