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Week 4

What we've been up to this week...


This week we have been planning our own versions of chapter 2 of the Iron Man. We created our own Iron Man style creature and also innovated the trap to catch him. We put together a plan and at the end of the week, started to write the first section. This is part of our shared write phase, so it is heavily modelled and scaffolded. 


In maths, we learned how to find fractions of amounts where the numerator is one (unit-fractions) or where the numerator is greater than one (non-unit fractions). We also explored equivalent fraction too. We used lots of equipment to support our learning, both indoors and outdoors. 


We completed a science investigation, where investigated the question "Do objects move differently on different surfaces?" We rolled cars down different surfaces and timed them. We talked about what we needed to change and what should be kept the same. 


We also continued our history learning, where we looked at many different resources to explore why the Iron Age was a less peaceful time that the Bronze Age. This included graphs showing population, artists reconstructions, artefacts and maps. 


In PE we played lots of different games which helped us develop our agility and we also did some running over hurdles.


In computing we looked at methods of communication and started to explore email, using our school Purple Mash website.

Science - Investigating How Objects Move on Different Surfaces

Maths - Outdoor Learning - Fractions of Amounts

Maths- Finding Equivalent Fractions

Design Technology - Making Frames
