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Breakfast Club


Welcome to Our Breakfast Club Page


Breakfast Club is held upstairs in St James’ Church.


It begins when the doors open at 7.45am and we request that your child arrives no later than 7.50am. Once the doors close at 7.50am all children head upstairs so if you are late, you may be denied entry.


Parents/Carers please ensure all children have adult supervision prior to entry to Breakfast Club.


If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club, whether every day or occasionally, please contact the school office in advance. 

The cost for Breakfast club is £3.00 daily.



The Breakfast Club Team


Miss Johnston - Manager


Miss Lenc - Assistant


Miss Gallagher - Assistant

Dancing in the school hall...






Sweet Treats!

Swanika, Elijah and Ayeesha are showing off the lovely treats they have all made at Breakfast Club smiley





Christmas Card Competition.


Congratulations to our Breakfast Club Christmas Card competition winners. They look amazing . We hope you enjoy your prizes.

If you want more information on Breakfast Club, please ask at the office.




Having Fun!

Our Talent Show

Icing Biscuits

Drawing and Dancing

We've Got Talent

Making Easter cakes

Making Mother's Day Cards

Spring 2 Gallery

Art Work

We are creating some art work that can be used in advertising our wonderful Breakfast provision. You will be able to see the finished product during our showcase sessions.

Breakfast Club Policy
