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Week Four

This week in Art Club, we have been studying Daruma Dolls.


Daruma Dolls - A Daruma is a traditional luck charm rooted in 5th to 6th century Japanese folklore. They're a symbol of perseverance in the face of adversity. Use Daruma to make wishes about a goal you'd like to achieve. You can recognise Daruma by their rounded shape, bright colours (originally red), and striking, open-eyed face


As we will not meet until after Easter Mrs Hudson decided that we would make our own Daruma dolls in clay and leave them to dry, we will then paint them after the holidays.



It was a fun filled hour, on Tuesday and Wednesday watching the girls, worry over getting their hands dirty and putting their fingers into the clay.


Once again, both sets of girls were fantastic and made me proud of the way the take everything in their stride, the way they all listen to instructions and do their absolute best every single week, with a wonderful sense of humour.


