The subject leader for Phonics at St James' is Miss Bryan.
Our Phonics programme at St James’ aims to offer consistency for all children, following the same approach in all classes. We adopt a ‘keep up, not catch up approach’ to ensure that our phonics teaching is accessible to all of our children. Phonics at St James’ develops our children’s oracy skills through ‘asking the question’, giving children opportunities to enhance their speaking skills. We will aim to equip children with the tools they need to become confident readers and writers, giving them appropriate strategies to do so.
Within our phonics sessions we aim to enable our children to be more independent in their learning within other areas of the curriculum. Going at a pace that is achievable to our children, we will provide them with a multi-sensory approach to reading and writing, meeting the needs of all types of learners.
At St James' we have adapted Letters and Sounds to create our own systematic, synthetic phonics programme. The aim of our programme is to provide sufficient support for our children to become fluent readers. Children begin Phonics at the start of Reception year and continue across Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2). Every child between Reception and Year 2 has a 20-25 minute phonics session every day.
Our programme is separated into five Phases - your child's teacher will be able to tell you which Phase your child is currently working on.
If you require any further support, please come into school and speak with your child's class teacher or our Phonics co-ordinator, Miss Bryan.
Phonics is a method of learning to read words that is taught from the start of Reception.
Read this guide to find out how your child uses phonics at school and how you can help at home.
There are 26 letters of the alphabet but they make 44 sounds. Use this audio guide to hear all 44 phonic sounds, on their own and in example words.
How to say the phonics sounds:
We hope the following glossary is useful to you when using our Letters and Sounds pages. Always feel free to come in and talk to us if you require any further support.
blending | Blending is the skill of joining sounds together to read words. Children are taught to say the separate sounds in a word and to then blend them together to decode the word. | ||
digraph | A digraph is a sound that is represented by two letters e.g. the sound 'a' in rain is represented by the digraph 'ai'. | ||
grapheme | A grapheme is a visual representation of a sound e.g. a letter or a group of letters. Some sounds are represented by a single letter whilst others are represented by more than one letter. | ||
phoneme | A phoneme is a unit of sound e.g. the word 'cat' contains three phonemes; c - a - t. | ||
segmenting | Segmenting is the opposite of blending. Children are taught to segment a word into its separate sounds in order to spell it. | ||
split digraph | A split digraph is a digraph that is separated by other letters e.g. the sound 'a' in the word take is represented by the split digraph a-e. |
Phonics Mats
Miss Bryan has created phonics mats for each phase that will ensure consistency across all our infant classes. Each sound your child will learn has a picture and an action to match. Below you can see the order that the sounds are taught through each of the phases.