Week 3
We have had another fabulous week in Year 2 this week and the children have had an extremely positive attitude to their learning.
We have enjoyed our outdoor learning where we focused on team building skills and the importance of adopting a 'have a go' attitude. It was lovely being outside in the sunshine and having fun with our friends!
The children enjoyed using the Google Earth App in our Geography lesson to locate the school and where they live. We will continue using this app as we work through our Geography unit 'What is the geography of where I live?'
In science we have compared the life cycles of different animals and the children worked in their Kagan groups to produce 'A Life Cycle of a Duck'.
Our guided reading text this week was called 'Little Larry' and the vocabulary the children learned was:
impressed, gap, predator, proudly, desperately, entered, eventually
Can your child remember the definitions and actions for these words?
I have sent home a handwriting sheet for your child to practice their handwriting. In year 2 we focus on starting and finishing our letters in the correct place and ensuring we have clear ascenders and descenders. There's no expectation for children to bring their handwriting practice to school, I just wanted to give you a resource in case you wished to practice at home.
Congratulations to Emilia who was our SKAT winner this week!