Week 3
This week we have had a jam packed week of learning! We have been busy bees working hard in all of our lessons! We have really loved learning this week, and it has been a great week in class!
Star of the Week
This week our star of the week is Evie. She always gives 100% effort in every lesson, and has had a real focus on improving her writing this week and becoming more independent! Well done Evie.
Life Caravan (PSHE)
We enjoyed a visit from Emma and her friend Harold the Giraffe from the Life Caravan. We learnt lots of important life skills, and we even got to stroke Harold at the end of the session when he gave us a sticker!
We got to bring in a toy from home this week whilst learning about 'Toys Old and New' in History. We analysed the different toys, sorted them into old and new, but we noticed that some would have been around in the 1960's however they have more recently been modified and modernised. We really enjoyed sharing our favourite toys and describing them!
This week we have been working hard on subtracting numbers within 10. We have been learning to subtract using different methods: taking away, crossing out or using a number line to jump backwards. On Friday we consolidated this using different concrete resources!
Children in Need 2023
On Friday it was Children in Need and to raise money for this, we could come in sportswear to participate in a whole school 'bearpees challenge' that Pudsey had set us! In Year 1 we managed to complete a total of 6897 bearpees and we were absolutely incredible. It was super tiring but we are a very competitive class so we hope we have done enough to win!