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British Values


At St James' we aim to actively promote British Values to ensure our children leave school prepared for life in modern Britain and multi-cultural society. We promote this through our Christian Values, curriculum, extra-curricular activities, teaching and learning and through the example set by the staff team.


This is in accordance with the DfE's statement that: there is a need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”


Here are some ways in which we promote and reinforce British Values at St James':



  • Pupil's voices and opinions are heard and respected through day to day teachings, conversations and formal events e.g Pupil Voice Elections.
  • A school focus on oracy and use of 'talk rules' in class.
  • Pupil Voice Groups with children from across school involved.
  • Children are involved in school decisions such as interviewing candidates, reviewing school environment and voting for activities and clubs.
  • Reward systems to praise and reward positive behaviour choices.
  • 'Open door' policy where children and staff can discuss ideas and issues with leadership.


Rule of Law

  • Class rules and school rules in place and discussed regularly.
  • Teaching and conversations linked to laws within our country.
  • Visitors from the wider community and public institutions such as the Fire Service, Police and Mayor's Office. 


Individual Liberty

  • Children make a wide range of choices on a daily basis e.g. choosing their dinner, choosing what to play with in Golden Time, choosing which challenge to complete in EYFS continuous provision, choosing their own characters and setting to innovate their own stories etc.
  • Behaviour is discussed as choices, rather than reflection of character. 
  • Children are immersed in a safe environment and an empowering and diverse curriculum.
  • Online safety workshops.
  • Visitors who deliver talks about staying safe and bullying.
  • Many enrichment opportunities.
  • A study of a wide range of inspirational people who have displayed passion for a particular area or have achieved greatness due to their hard work in their area of interest. 
  • Children take responsibilities e.g. leading worship sessions, being play buddies or readers, showing visitors round, being eco monitors, controlling tech in worship etc.
  • Children partake in charity events and services such as Remembrance services. 
  • Celebration of achievements and 'good news' in and out of school.


Mutual Respect

  • Ethos of respect between children and staff in school.
  • Children are encouraged to listen to each other and value the ideas, opinions and skills of others. 
  • Whole school oracy focus builds both social and working relationships between the children.
  • Class rules
  • Kagan groups in class
  • Our school values echo mutual respect: love, truth, forgiveness, justice and compassion.


Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

At St. James, we do more than tolerate different religions and beliefs. We accept and celebrate the differences of others.

  • Odd Sock Day to partake in anti-bullying day and celebrate differences.
  • Wide range of religions are studied in RE.
  • Experiences and knowledge of those in our school community further our experiences and learning of other religions and cultures.
  • Children study and visit, where possible, places of worship belonging to various faiths.
  • Exploring Christianity across the world.
  •  Sharing the cultural traditions of our families, e.g. tasting the ‘Red Beet Soup’ brought in by one of our Polish families at Christmas time!
  • Songs used in worship reflect different languages and countries.
  • Children ask BIG questions about Christianity and develop their own relationship with their faith and God.
  • Children freely and respectfully express their views about Christianity. 
  • Children explore different types of family and lifestyle in PSHE.
  • Children discuss their rights and the rights of those around them during our Picture News worships.



British Values and Mutual Respect



This morning, the Cultural Capital Committee spoke to the whole school about British Values, especially mutual respect. They explained why it is so important for all of us to show respect to one another and how this makes everyone feel. We all agreed that we should treat others how we would like to be treated. Well done to the Pupil Voice Co-ordinators for presenting!

Our British Values


This week, some of our classes took part in a webinar all about British Values. They learned about what these are and why they are so important for all of us.





Coronation Picnic - Friday 5th May 2023

In Memory of Queen Elizabeth II

Click on the picture below to read the article about our special day.


Fire Safety Visit 22.2.22

St James' had a visit from our Local fire service today.  The fire fighters spoke to us about how to keep ourselves and our families safe in the event of a fire.

They also talked about the danger of hoax calls and why we should only call the emergency services in real emergency situations.
