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week 4

Star of the week!

Eva rose is our star of the week this week.  She has won this for her growing confidence. It has been lovely to see Eva’s confidence grow over the course of Year three. Eva will now work in groups and present her work to the class. You now believe  in yourself and will put your hand up in class, especially your maths fluency questions. You work so hard all of the things me and should be proud of yourself. Well done Eva Rose.

Mila is our SKAT winner this week is Mila, Mila has stayed positive and persevered through a difficult week. 

Well done Lois our TT Rockstar winner for spending the most time playing. 


In music we worked in pairs to create a piece of Indian music using a Drone, Rag and Tal.

Sports Day 

We all had a fantastic afternoon at sports day. The children had big smiles on there faces, and behaved perfectly. It was lovely to see so many parents come to cheer us on. 
