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Week 2

This week we have started using the Maths app Numbots to improve our number fluency.  The children have really enjoyed this and we encourage you to continue using the app at home.  It can also be accessed via the webpage

If your child needs a copy of their log in details please let a member of the Year 2 team know.

We took our Maths learning outside on Monday and completed a number hunt to help us write numbers in words as well as numerals. We had lots of fun!

In Geography we have been using the Google Earth app to locate our school and our house.  The children were excited to browse the local area, identifying local human and physical features.


In art with have been learning about different textures and created our own rubbings using wax crayons and different objects found inside and outside.  We love art and outdoor learning! We can't wait to use our artwork to create pictures next week.

We explored different feelings in PSHE and acted out scenarios with our friends to help us learn that people express their feelings in different ways and that's OK.

It was lovely to spend some time in our class reading area this afternoon, sharing books with our friends and exploring the range of books we have in class.
