Week 4
We have taken our maths learning outside this week as we have been learning about position and direction. We have been giving and following instructions using the vocabulary left, right, forward and backwards. We also learned about 1/4 and 1/2 turns and the positional language clockwise and anti-clockwise. It was lovely getting outside in the sunshine.
In PE we have been practising our bat and ball skills and also building on our team working skills.
We received a letter from Mrs Tindall this week giving us a vocabulary challenge - which we definitely rose to! Our new text 'The Day the Crayons Quit' has given us lots of opportunities to practise our oracy skills as we debated about the happiness of the crayons. We have looked at the features of letters and are looking forward to writing our own letters next week.
In art we developed our shading skills as we produced some fabulous pieces of art working in the style of Nancy McCroskey's mural.