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Week Four

Our Star of the Week this week is....


Our SKATs winner this week is...


Year Five has had the most amazing, fun filled week.



This week, the Year five children received a letter from a reception child. These letters asked the Year five children to be their buddies not for just one year but two. This will create a wonderful bond, ensuring that the reception children will always have an older peer to go to.


The classroom erupted with squeals and giggles of delight, when the letters were opened.


After opening the letters from the reception children, the class wrote their own letters back to them, to introduce themselves...

On Thursday, the class had a lovely surprise. They all went into reception to be introduced to their buddies, they then spent their playtime, getting to know each other and playing.


It was lovely to see the bonds grow so quickly between the children.



The class were writing their own legends this week, which will be presented in book form.


Watching the children work so hard, using their imagination and skills learnt was great. The children couldn't wait to share their work with each other.



Year five were experimenting in science this week.


The children's first experiment was about evaporation.


The children put hand sanitiser on their hands and discussed how it felt. They were then asked to rub and wave their hands. The sanitiser had evaporated! 

The next experiment was sieving.


Each group were given a bowl, a sieve and a cup containing flour and raisins. They took it in turns to see how you could extract the flour from the raisins.

The final experiment was filtering.


Each group were given a funnel, a coffee filter and a beaker.  Mrs Hudson mixed sand with warm water in a large jug. Before pouring the water mixture into the filter lined with the filter paper, it was stirred thoroughly. Each group were asked to watch the filtration of the water and record if the water was cleaned or if the sand had come through the paper. They found that the filtering process has worked and the water was clear.  



A group of children ventured out in the rain and wind on Friday morning. They were shown how to ride their bicycles safely. They will have another lesson next week where they will be venturing out on the roads. They all really enjoyed the sessions! 
