This week the children have really impressed Miss Bryan when talking with their talk partners on the carpet. Each pair/trio were given a number - 1 or 2. Miss Bryan then said which number would go first each time when we were discussing various things over the week.
We are doing really well at showing our talk rules in school. Can you show them at home?
On Monday, Year 5 shared the pop-up books they have been making with their Reception Buddies. The children loved their buddy reading their book based on a nursery rhyme to them and even had a go at using some of the pop-ups in the books.
On Thursday, we went into the hall with Year 3 and Year 5 for Creative Worship.
We watched a video of two men who were very different and became close friends. We talked about valuing difference.
The children then went around the hall with their buddy and played a 'find someone who' game. There were lots of different differences that the children had to find.
E.g. Find someone who has a brother and a sister.
Find someone who can speak a different language.
Find someone who has relatives that live in a different country.
It promoted speaking to new people and finding things out and valuing that we are all different in lots of ways and that is amazing!