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Week 4 (Tuesday 9th May - Friday 12th May)

Outdoor Learning

We created some wonderful faces using natural objects we found outside. The children decided they wanted to work in pairs and went off to find different things to resemble parts of their faces. 😊


This week we started our games unit and took our PE Learning outside. We started with a game of dishes and domes, the children soon picked up the idea of the game and became very competitive quite quickly!

We also played a fun game where the children had to start on a line at the opposite end of the playground to Miss Bryan. When Miss Bryan threw a tennis ball in the air the children had to run towards Miss Bryan but when she caudght it, they had to freeze! Anyone still moving had to go back to the starting line! The winner was the first to Miss Bryan. 



We are very excited that our four caterpillars now have their chrysalis around them. We are excited to keep a close eye on them over the coming week 😀 
