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Ofsted Report - October 2024

SATs Breakfast Club for Year 6


Did you know that the Eco group have launched the Green in 15 challenge? This is a special challenge which celebrates 15 years of the Green Trees School Award. Each class have been given different tasks to complete. If you complete any of the tasks, please show us what you have done and you might even get some dojos in return! We are hoping to complete the challenge by the end of November! If you have any questions, just ask Mrs Bibby or your Eco Group Pupil Voice Co-ordinator!

How do you know if your child is too ill for school?

Click the link to see the latest NHS advice on what to do for a range of illnesses.


Do you know how attendance can affect a child's learning? Remember, we have 'Class of the Week' awards for the class with the best punctuality and attendance. Year 2 have been leading the way so far this year, but will another class break their winning streak today?


Asthma Training for Staff



After school tonight, all the staff received training about asthma from our school nurse. She shared a really useful video with us which showed a technique for how to use tidal breathing with a spacer when using an inhaler. Using a spacer when using an inhaler means that more of the medicine gets down into the lungs which helps to manage symptoms. Follow the link to view the video:
