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Week 5

Another action packed week in Year 4. We have had a trip to the library and a visit from the Dogs Trust. This week we are also celebrating 50 years of this School building being open. The weather was good and the picnic was a success. There was plenty of information and photographs from a long time ago.


Our Star of the Week, this week was

Well done Rithika

Our SkAt's winner this week



In RE this week we looked at paintings showing Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial. We tried to recreate them in a freeze frame in our kagan groups

Library Trip

This week we enjoyed a walk down to Roman Road Library with our buddies from year 3  where we enjoyed browsing at the huge array of fiction and Non fiction books and listened to a special story time. Thank you  to staff at Roman Road Library for always making us feel so welcome

During English with Mrs Blackburn, the children have designed and produced their own information leaflet for Roman Road Library.


See some of the examples below..

Mrs Blackburn arranged a visit from Sam from The Dog's Trust on Monday to share an important message around dog safety. The children learned how they should act around dogs as unfortunately their age group are most likely to be bitten by a dog. Sam told them useful information about how the children should leave the dogs, let the dogs come to them and not to tease or upset the dogs. Year 4 were keen to learn more from our visitor Sam and she was very impressed with their great questions.

Year 4 have been enjoying a picnic with the parents and carers on Friday, to celebrate 50 years of the school building being opened.



The children were given the task of producing a piece of work that starts with one drawing. The children were then asked to make a tracing of their drawing. Using the lines of symmetry. Children then pivoted their drawing in their books, to produce their own original piece of art.
