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Welcome to the History area of our website!

The subject leader for History at St James' is Miss Wilson. 

Our Christian Vision for History:




Engaging pupils with a relevant, exciting and challenging History curriculum will inspire curiosity and it will help to prepare them for an adult life in the 21st century. History helps children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as the challenges of their time; It develops skills of critical thinking which means making reasoned judgements that are logical and well thought out and not merely accepting arguments and conclusions as they are presented but having a healthy, discerning and questioning attitude about new information. 

History supports children to appreciate that all knowledge is socially constructed and its objectivity and reliability is therefore open to challenge and question through asking perceptive questions, weighing evidence, sifting arguments and developing perspective and judgement. 

The History curriculum provides a sense of identity and belonging on a personal, cultural, national and global level as learners come to appreciate the diversity of human experience and consequently understand more about themselves and as members of society.

Children will be able to understand core concepts and most notably cause and consequence, similarity and difference, continuity and change, change and progress/regression, significance, evidence, chronology, empathy, context, diversity, perspective, interconnectivity and validity which have broad relevance and significance in the modern world.

All of these skills help to equip children with lifelong skills that they will use during and beyond their school life. The teaching of History is done with the scriptures in mind and supporting children to use their skills and knowledge will help them to flourish in many areas. By engaging our children in investigating questions about people and events in the past, it helps them to better understand their lives today, the contested nature of knowledge and prepares them for the future as more informed citizens.


Snapshot of History

We are now following the Connected History scheme of work. This comprehensive learning and teaching programme provides a modern, relevant and intellectually
challenging history curriculum which also makes meaningful and rigorous links to
other subjects. 


History begins in the EYFS and throughout your child's time at St James' they will explore a range of important key questions to help them to become historians. 


We enjoy sharing our learning in History through class assemblies and by hosting class exhibitions. 



SEND in History

Archived - Virtual Reality 2021
