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Welcome to the Maths area of our website!

The subject leader for Maths at St James' is Mrs Malik.


Our Christian Vision for Maths


Genesis 9:7 ~ As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”


In Maths lessons, through following the mastery approach, we believe that all children can succeed in Maths ensuring that every child is given the support they need to achieve their potential. All maths lessons contain elements of the 5 big ideas of mastery (coherence, fluency, mathematical thinking, variation and representation & structure). Through this approach, children are allowed to form a deep understanding of mathematical concepts allowing each child to develop their understanding of maths to the full. A variety of methods and strategies are taught and discussed, valuing the diversity within our classrooms. Throughout St. James’, children are encouraged to spot patterns and make links between numbers and mathematical concepts, allowing them to appreciate the beauty and complexity of God’s world. As well as this, we equip children with the tools they need to reason about their mathematical understanding allowing them to share their understanding with others. Our aim is that all children leave St. James confident in their own mathematical ability and understanding, creating the opportunity for further learning and providing the foundation for a wide variety of paths in their future.

Snapshot of Maths

At St. James' we work hard to meet the aims of all three areas of the National Curriculum:

  1. Fluency
  2. Reasoning
  3. Problem Solving


We make sure that we cover all three aspects in every lesson and support our learning through using practical methods and concrete resources to help us understand Maths. 


In Reception and KS1 we use NumBots to help us become fluent in subitising and number bonds.  We have our own log in and have weekly sessions in class. We also use White Rose 1 minute maths.

We can practise our fluency skills using these apps at home too.

In Year 2 - Year 6, we use Times Tables Rock Stars to help us become more fluent in our times table knowledge. We also have our own log in and we can practise at home! If you need any help logging into your account, just ask your teacher to help. 

We've taken part in our first TTR's inter schools competition which we thoroughly enjoyed and are looking forward to the next one!


Maths is used in real life contexts throughout the curriculum to demonstrate links to the wider world and help consolidate learning.  

Cross curricular links include baking (weighing and measuring) as part of an RE unit, creating a souvenir stand using money as part of an English unit, creating and performing a timestable rap as part of an Oracy Outcome and recording statistics during geography fieldwork.



Teach Active

We also teach maths through physically active learning to boost engagement, well being and attainment. Health is fundamental to children’s development and our children thoroughly enjoy learning outdoors and taking part in active learning within the classroom.

Cross curricular maths

Launch of Numbots & TT Rockstars re launch 2023

TT Rockstars inter school tournament 2024

Times Table lunch club

Maths in EYFS

In reception class we develop our maths understanding through a mastering number approach.  Our daily maths lessons aim to build secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children.  This is enhanced through continuous provision and drawing club which enables children to link their learning to real life contexts.

Subject Overview

