This week in RE we learnt some things about a Jewish Festival called Hannukah. We saw a little girl called Hetty and found out how her and her family celebrate Hannukah.
Hannukah lasts for eight days and a candle is lit each day.
We also acted out a story that is told about Hannukah and the reason why eight candles are lit.
There was a King called Antiochus (acted out by Noah) who tried to stop people following rules and destroy temples. He also banned people from worshipping at Jewish temples. A man called Judah Maccabee (Syd) tried to stop King Antichus. Even though Judah had a smaller army, he defeated the bad King.
They returned to the temple in Jerusalem and fixed all the damage.
There was only a small amount of oil in their menorah candle but a miracle happened and it burned for eight days and eight nights.
Today Jewish people light candles on hanukkiahs for the eight nights of Hanukkah to remember the miracle.
This week the Reception children have been put into their planet teams. They will stay in these planets all through school.
On Wednesday we took part in some intra-house games where the children competed against each other in different races. It was great fun.
The winning team was Venus!
We had lots of fun and it was great to see the other children clapping the winning teams as we have been working on this.