Congratulations to Rithika, our star of the week. Rithika got this award for always trying her very best in every single lesson and for reading her work so beautifully and clearly in front of the class.
Well done Amelia, our SKAT winner this week. Amelia has been making some excellent tactical decisions in our PE lesson. Amelia carefully considered where the defenders were and positioned herself in the perfect place to score lots of points for her team.
Well done to all the children, your attendance and punctuality has won us class of the week.
We went outside for our English lesson today. We had to use the punctuation cards to order ourselves in the correct places. We learnt that a reporting clause can also go at the beginning, not just at the end of the speech!
In French we have learnt how to sing heads, shoulders, knees, and toes. We sounded fantastic!
We continued to work on our ball skills in PE. We had to ensure we were rolling the ball accurately and retrieving in in the correct way by creating a barrier. For our main game, the attackers had to work together hit as many cones as possible by rolling the ball. The defenders also had to work together to stop the cones from being hit. It finished a 28 all draw! Great effort from both teams!
We thought about different emotions that we might feel and how we can tell if someone is feeling a certain way. We also learnt that there are different levels of emotions. In groups we had to decide on the correct way to order the emotions.
We listened to a piece of music which we thought was rain. We found out it wasn't actually real rain, but an orchestra of people using body percussion to sound like rain! We tried to imitate the musicians and this is what we came up with!
We used secondary colours to mix our paints to match the colours used in Paul Cezanne's painting. We then used the colours we'd mixed to create a painting in the same style.