We have been learning about the architect and artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser. In our sketch books, we are starting to put together our own ideas about him. We are also designing a house in his style.
In PE, we have been learning the skills needed to play Tag Rugby. We started by playing the game Snake before trying 3v1. The most difficult part was remembering that the ball cannot be passed forwards in rugby.
Thank you to our photographer, Jennie, for taking the photographs.
Year 5 Blog - Isobelle and Jennie
on Tuesday
we did sience we did about rust to see which screw would rust first and at the moment think the vinger and water are making the screw be more rusty than the air water for 2 days and then water then salt and water 2nd place is salt and water 3rd place water 4th water 2 days 5th is air
on Wednesday
we shared to write a story from the witch and the wardrobe and we did our plans for our stories and we had to do what the creature would be and what the white witch had done how they would find Aslan and how they would work together to defeat the white witch
On Thursday
we did history about the Shang Dynasy and about a good king and a bad king and we had to describe what we thought that the bad kind was rude and unfair nd the good king was kind and made his followers rich and wealthy worship we made cards for the the care home Queens lodge for old/elderly people if they can not take care of them
selves and the people who are sick and not well and make them happy so they know that there not alone on Christmas
on Friday
we have finished our stories all about The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Then we have done maths which was adding fractions, then we did in worship in the hall and our star of the week was Ebony and she got it for hard work this week and being fantastic. We also finished cards on Thursday and we have not sent the cards and our elf we have not named it yet but it went in Ellie Mai's tray he really likes hiding in our trays and if he's in there you get a heroes chocolate mini bars.