Welcome back!
It's been a busy first week back after the half term break. Mrs Blackburn and Mrs Wilton were in year 2 towards the end of the week whilst Mrs Malik accompanied the Year 6 children to Edale!
We started our new English text 'Jack and the Baked Beanstalk' and we enjoyed hearing the twisted tale after making predictions and taking part in a lively debate!
Our guided reading text was an instructional text based on the festival of Diwali
and how to make coconut ladoo. On Friday during our application lesson the children used the instructions to make their own tasty ladoo.
In PE we practised creating and holding different shapes and sequences in Gymnastics. The children worked in pairs to create their own 3 shape sequence and performed them to the class.
We made scrolls in RE with Mrs Blackburn to help us learn about the Torah.
In our outdoor learning session we focussed on reading and spelling some of the year 2 common exception words whilst taking part in a word hunt!
It has been a great first week back!