The subject leader for computing at St James' is Miss Bryan.
Our computing curriculum at St James’ provides children with the skills they will need to live in the 21st Century. It is a consistent approach across school and offers a platform (Purple Mash) that is accessible to all. We aim to prepare children for their future in an ever growing technology based world. Children have the freedom to explore the use of technology within their lessons and engage their imaginations. Our children will be shown ways to use technology to their advantage as well as being given the right tools to use technology safely. Children can share their learning with their families at home and enhance their skills by logging in to Purple Mash away from school. Online safety is taken very seriously and is taught every year, catering to the age of the children, giving real life examples that will help children to stay safe online away from school.
Every child is encouraged to adopt new skills and further their knowledge in the subject. Our computing curriculum at St James’ is inclusive and embracing for all children, allowing them to prosper.
Online Safety
All classes will start off the year learning about online safety and the importance of this in school and at home. This is an important strand that will continue throughout the year emphasising the importance for safety in our digital world.
Year One focus on logging in safely with their own individual logins and the importance of this.
Year Two focus on understanding that information put online leaves a digital footprint or trail.
Year Three focus on creating safe passwords and why this is important and whether or not everything they read on the internet is true.
Year Four learn how to protect themselves from online identity theft and the meaning of plagiarism.
Year Five gain a greater understanding of the impact that sharing digital content can have and how to maintain passwords.
Year Six identify the benefits and risks of mobile devices broadcasting the location of a user/ device as well as having a clear idea of appropriate online behaviour.
We are lucky enough to have access to Purple Mash which helps us to enhance our computing skills across the curriculum.
We have a class set of laptops and enough iPads for one between two. The children are taught to respect the technology and are taught skills to help them progress from Reception class right up to Year 6.
Click on the link below to see the Purple Mash Computing Learning Journey.
Year 3 have been enjoying exploring simulations. They worked in their Kagan groups to complete a space rescue simulation 'The Dark Side of Emphis'.
Reception Class have been using the laptops this half term. They have been logging into the laptop and their Purple Mash accounts.