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Week 2

Our Star of the Week is...


Our SKATs winner this week is ...

Muhammed - Yusuf!

Arts Award 

Well done to the seven children in our class who were presented with their Arts Award certificate and completed portfolio of work in assembly on Friday. Your art work is amazing! We are very proud of you all. 

TT Rockstars


There was an event for TT Rockstars, for 10 schools from the borough. Willow M and James B represented Year 5. They did a fabulous job and received a medal and certificate in assembly on Friday for their hard work. 






The children have enjoyed practising their tennis skills this week.



The class have been learning about air resistance. The children used a range of materials to create parachutes and then tested how they worked.

Guided Reading 


This week we have explored the song lyrics from 'Let It Go' which features in the film Frozen. The children enjoyed singing the song and unpicking the lyrics. 
