Week 7
Wow! What a fun-filled busy week we have had. We have worked so hard in all of our curriculum areas this week and it has been lovely for Miss Whaley and Mrs Hoyle to see all of our progress over the first half term. We have adapted so well to life in Year 1, but we are all ready for a relaxing half term break now!
Star of the Week
This week our Star of the Week is Andrew. He has worked so hard on making the right choices all around school and completing some brilliant learning tasks. We are very proud of Andrew this week. Well done!
This week we have been completing our first poetry unit. Learning all about rhyming words. We focused on the poem 'The animals went in two by two'. We have been working hard to understand and apply the concept of rhyming words, and we created our own verse of the poem on Friday.
This week, we have been learning all about what life was like when Jesus was born and comparing life now to then. We established that Jesus wouldn't have had mobile phones, or new trainers from JD. We amazed Miss Whaley with some of our ideas, and we created some artwork to show the differences between the two times.
This week we had completed our ball skills unit so we had the chance to participate in team games to compete for planet points. We did some running races, obstacle courses, and throwing activities.