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Autumn 1 Week 6



During our art unit, we have applied our understanding of photography to design and recreate a famous painting. We chose and analysed paintings to understand their meanings and discussed their features. We then had to make design decisions to select and arrange props to replicate a painting in a photographic way. 



During our football unit, we have applied rules, skills and principles to play in a tournament. We were respectful of others and showed determination and perseverance in the games we played. We discussed with our teams how we could improve in our next match and encouraged and congratulated our opponents. 

Geography 🗺 

This week, we have reflected upon the importance of the jobs that people do to look after National Parks. We discussed the three main purposes of National Parks in the UK  and reflected on how these may conflict with each other. We then evaluated the importance of the jobs and ranked them in order of importance. 
