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Mental Health & Wellbeing


ELCAS Primary Care Team Virtual Drop-In Sessions



Nip in the Bud offers videos and fact sheets for parents and professionals around mental health conditions, how to understand these and where to get help.


Mental Health Support Contacts List

Supporting Children's Mental Health

Information, Advice and Support



KOOTH - Guide to Managing Back to School Anxiety

Support for Parental Conflict


The Healthy Relationships Matters Animation is now available online…

We all know that arguing can be a normal part of everyday life and relationships.

But, when it escalates and the arguing isn’t resolved, it can impact on children, young people and the family.

Whether parents are living together or separated, the Healthy Relationships Matters shares some really helpful top tips and advice around managing parental conflict on the following link:

If you require any further information or support, please contact Mrs Jacques in school 01254315005

BEAT Eating Disorders

Coping Calendar

Bereavement Charter

10 Things To Say Instead Of Stop Crying


Comforting At A Distance

Emergency Care Wall

The Emotional Cup

Helping Your Child Back To School

Managing Stress

Self-Care and Mental Health For Kids

Self-Care Isn't Selfish

The Stress Relief Giraffe

10 Ways to Help Children Cope With Change

Structure and Routine

Supporting Your Child's Wellbeing While Schools Are Closed

Types of Self-Care

Staying Calm

Kids Who Need Love The Most

Talking To Others
