Week 2
This week we have had a jam packed week of learning! We have been busy bees working hard adapting to the Year 1 curriculum. We are enjoying learning lots of new things and completing lots of group tasks!
Star of the Week
This week's Star of the Week is Darcey-Mae. She has been an incredible helper around the classroom, and has shown determination in every lesson! Well done!
This week in Music with Mrs Jacques we learnt about pulse and rhythm. We had to clap and say our name in time with the music, listening to the song 'You've got a friend in me'.
On top of our music lesson this week, we made some music videos to send to Mr Theobalds using our beautiful singing voices and our amazing dance moves to make him smile!
In PE this week, we continued to work on our ball skills. We learnt the rolling technique this week and we had to work in teams to perfect our roll by bending our new and swinging our arm back to keep the ball on the floor.