Week 6
This week saw the children perform an amazing assembly to the whole school. They shared their learning about famous history makers and impressed everyone with their confidence and super oracy skills. The children have thoroughly this History Unit and it definitely showed in their performance. Well done Year 2, we are super proud!
It has been Child Mental Health week this week the theme has been 'Let's connect'. We have discussed all the connections we have in school and out of school. We have linked this with our worship theme of 'friendship' and taken parts in lots of mindfulness activities such as, yoga, mindfulness colouring, partner colouring, dancing and circle time.
On Tuesday it was Safer internet day and we attended a special assembly where Miss Bryan talked about the importance of staying safe online. We linked our guided reading this week to internet safety and the children practised safe internet use whilst making music on the laptops in our computing session. A busy final week in Year 2!
We hope you have a lovely restful break and look forward to see you in a week.