We are halfway through the longest half term....
This week we congratulate Emily as our Star of the Week!
Our SKATs winner this week is...Harrison!
Miss Smith and Mrs Hudson have been blown away this week and last, by the absolutely amazing effort of Christian-James Bhatti for his hard work and dedication to TT Rockstars. Well done!
The children have been planning and writing a new chapter for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
We have been working hard on consolidating our fractions learning this week.
The class have been learning about the fire triangle, which are the three things a fire needs to keep burning.
All of the children were so engaged and absorbed with the facts of how to starve a fire of oxygen, and how a fire blanket works.
We also performed an experiment with hot vinegar and baking powder.
We researched the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and his work which includes lots of colour, shape and motifs. The children then had a go at adding colour and motifs to a black and white photograph of a house, in the artist's style. The children used oil pastels, which are beautifully vibrant and can really make pictures pop.
Arts Award Club
Wow, there were only four in the club this week. But, honestly with the giggling and noise anyone would have thought it was a full house.
This week, Mrs Hudson taught the children how to write all their worries onto a canvas, and them wash them away, by painting tsunami waves over the top.
There was not a PAINTBRUSH in sight, hands and fingers only.
Have a look at the paintings in progress.
There are some finished pictures that will be uploaded later this week.